We live in an ever so faster world, rushing everywhere because time = money. But what qualities did we loose on our way to tomorrow, and how can we get quality back in the things we do? 
This was the assignment for the course Zen Design. Find a ritual and enhance it using a set of products. 
I started with envisioning the emotive feel and the memetic look of the design. What 'feel' do I want the new ritual to have and what 'memes' or appearance do I want to use? 

Warm, Hardship, Sun, Soft, Formless, Bright, Earth, Stripes, Lines, Light-shadow play, Mystery, Journey, Beige, Sand, Nomadic, Sahara, Thought, Journey of the mind.

Texture, Rough, Smooth, Balance, Natural, Repetition, Warm, Organic, Rustic, Shadow-play, Harmony with ages, Functional, Self explanatory

The ritual is done in co-dependence of each other, with each person fulfilling a different role. The forager harvest the ingredients and the gatherer carries the basket and cleans the vegetables.
Due to the pandemic, making a real-world prototype became difficult. This led to the goal I set for myself: learning and using the software Blender to create and render the designs.   

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